I bought a live potted pine tree for Grandma a few months ago. Melody, James, Dad and I took it to Grandma's with an assortment of decorations, so that she could have a Christmas tree in her room. We had a good time decorating it, and when it was done, it looked like Vegas had thrown up on it. Bright colors and glitz, an aluminum angel ornament as the topper, with so much tinsel, it looked like it needed a haircut. After Christmas, I thought maybe I would take it home and let it live the life of a normal potted evergreen tree. But as weeks went on, I forgot about it, until Dad brought it home, looking worse for wear, after so long without sunlight and water. There was a little green left in it. I took it to my home, repotted it, gave it nice soil, an egg and some Pepsi(Every evergreen's favorite meal, right?), and set it outside to catch some rays. Now... I'm not throwing in the towel yet, however.......
it's not looking very promising. But it's an evergreen tree... it can't really die, can it?! That's like killing a cactus! (No, I don't truly believe that's impossible... I may have the anti-gift when it comes to plants) I'm not ready to give up, though. We all need a pointless endeavor or two in our lives. I have to admit, I am sort of hoping that when spring comes around, it will decide (along with the rest of us) that life is worth living after all. Until then, I'm calling it Charlie. Maybe, I just need to wrap a fuzzy, baby blue blanket around its "trunk", and tell it a Bible story...
Good for you, some folks give up too quickly with plants. :-)