Occasionally, you may see words on this blog like "Gluten" "Celiac" and "Xanthan Gum" mentioned. That is because I cannot eat gluten. It's a sensitivity that runs in the genetics, thanks Mom and Dad! Gluten is a protein complex found in certain grains such as: Wheat, barley, rye, spelt, triticale, kamut, durum. Gluten is also found sneaking into items such as ice cream and soy sauce as malt. The term celiac refers to a person who has suffered from the sensitivity for so long that there is physical damage to their intestines.
Gluten sensitivities have a variety of reactions, depending on the individual. The most well known symptom is intestinal problems, but it has also been found to cause or exacerbate breathing problems, skin problems, hormone regulation problems, bone density issues, among multiple other symptoms.
So, this is why you may see mention of strange words and foods, and weird baking experiments.
By the way, xanthan gum is a powder used in baking to help bread stick together and still be chewy(most breads depend on the gluten in wheat to do that). Mostly, I use that word because it's fun to say.