Saturday, March 26, 2011

To eulogize a cat...

It seems ridiculous, doesn't it?  Unless you have lost a pet, because then it seems almost wrong to let it go by unmentioned. The problem here is what do you say?

My family's cat, Mr. Kitty, died unexpectedly today.  He was 2 years old.

So, here's to the only cat to ever be allowed to live in my family's house, so far. To the cat my Dad claimed to "hate."  To the cat who taught my Mom's dog how to fight like a man and cry like a girl. Here's to the cat who owned both the top and bottom of the bunk bed, but was gracious enough to share a corner of the bottom one with James.  To the cat who would have a battle of wills to the death over who got to sit in a certain chair.  Here's to the cat who protected my family's house by glaring menacingly at every car the drove down the street.  To the cat whose passion for shoes rivaled my own.

May there be many warm sunspots, work boots, strappy sandals, grasshoppers, lizards, mice, and chihuahuas in your Happy Hunting Grounds, and may you finally catch that blasted laser dot.

We hope you enjoyed your stay, Mr. Kitty. We certainly did.


  1. So sorry about your loss. It's just as painful when a beloved pet dies as when a beloved person dies.

  2. Precious memories....
    We once had a very ungracious cat, Smokey, who would lay in the middle of the floor and glare at company until they left. Only the brave (or foolish) would dare to attempt to pet her. She also liked sauerkraut.

    And we recently lost our almost 18 yr. old Sazi Cat. The sweetest little barn cat you could ever meet.

    Linda T from OC


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