Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The secret to growing a beautiful garden almost effortlessly...

First, you must start by planting sunflower seeds, the world's easiest plant to grow, in your gravel. Be sure to mix the gravel with soil mixture. Enjoy neighbor's appreciation of your gorgeous flowers.  Do this a year before this year's garden.

Second, you must let the sunflowers run their course, dry out, become horrible eyesores, ignore glares and pointed comments from neighbors. Let the birds pick at their carcasses. Only remove the stalks when the park manager starts discussing 14 day notices. Do nothing else.

The following year, notice that seedlings are starting to come up, throw a little water their way every once in a while.

One energetic weekend while a friend is visiting, purchase some tomatoes, and potted annuals. Recruit the friend to do half the work of planting. Water sporadically, because life is chaotic, and you like playing garden success roulette.

Wait for the fairies to come.  Leave often, stay away for long extents of time.

You will know they have been there because the hose might be coiled properly, or uncoiled from its last position.

You may also notice some quality irrigation work appear, or that someone has picked your ripe strawberries and placed them in your fridge.


 Sometimes, they will rearrange your tomato plants so that they rest properly against their cages.

 Also, a good sign that the fairies have been visiting is that the earth is no longer crackled and dusty  like you left it.

 As it turns out, the trick to a beautiful garden is easy: leave it to the fairies.

Where they come from, I am not exactly certain. I have my suspicions that they have something to do with the family tooth fairy and friends. What I do know is, when I mentioned that I had figured out who the Big Hairy Tooth Fairy was, the tooth fairy stopped if anyone asks, I am ABSOLUTELY bewildered as to where these garden fairies come from. Completely clueless.  Baffled.

All I know is that I sure think garden fairies are great.

1 comment:

  1. Laughing loudly as I read this out loud to the hairy tooth fairy!


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