Monday, August 15, 2011



Block.  Like legos, and wood, and childrens toys.  Blocked like a doorway. Like road construction.

Blocked forcefully into a wall. Hockey players call it checked. Check. Cheque. Czech...123 testing, testing.

Blocked. B Locked. Be locked.  Ideas will be locked up when you want them most.

Blocked. Locked. Hocked. Walked. Knocked. Rocked. Talked. Clocked. Mocked.

Inspiration mocks, sauntering around me in a steady walk, while gazing at the clock...something something hocked, knocked... blahblahblah.blocked.

Rhyming doesn't make it art. Fart. Smart. Tart. Cart. Chart. Heart.

Four chambers.

Two, if you're a fish.

They're friends, not food. Draw one in the sand, stick it on your bumper and you're a Christian. Put legs on it and you're a macroevolutionist. Symbols. They represent something big, and can reduce us to something as small as they are. Classified.

Organized.  Put into a box. Fox. Socks. Rocks. Locks.

Locked box.  Box locked. It all comes back to blocked.

Writer's block.  It happens sometimes. If you were hoping to get something out of this post, too's blocked.

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