Block. Like legos, and wood, and childrens toys. Blocked like a doorway. Like road construction.
Blocked forcefully into a wall. Hockey players call it checked. Check. Cheque. Czech...123 testing, testing.
Blocked. B Locked. Be locked. Ideas will be locked up when you want them most.
Blocked. Locked. Hocked. Walked. Knocked. Rocked. Talked. Clocked. Mocked.
Inspiration mocks, sauntering around me in a steady walk, while gazing at the clock...something something hocked, knocked... blahblahblah.blocked.
Rhyming doesn't make it art. Fart. Smart. Tart. Cart. Chart. Heart.
Four chambers.
Two, if you're a fish.
They're friends, not food. Draw one in the sand, stick it on your bumper and you're a Christian. Put legs on it and you're a macroevolutionist. Symbols. They represent something big, and can reduce us to something as small as they are. Classified.
Organized. Put into a box. Fox. Socks. Rocks. Locks.
Locked box. Box locked. It all comes back to blocked.
Writer's block. It happens sometimes. If you were hoping to get something out of this post, too's blocked.
Block. Like legos, and wood, and childrens toys. Blocked like a doorway. Like road construction.
Blocked forcefully into a wall. Hockey players call it checked. Check. Cheque. Czech...123 testing, testing.
Blocked. B Locked. Be locked. Ideas will be locked up when you want them most.
Blocked. Locked. Hocked. Walked. Knocked. Rocked. Talked. Clocked. Mocked.
Inspiration mocks, sauntering around me in a steady walk, while gazing at the clock...something something hocked, knocked... blahblahblah.blocked.
Rhyming doesn't make it art. Fart. Smart. Tart. Cart. Chart. Heart.
Four chambers.
Two, if you're a fish.
They're friends, not food. Draw one in the sand, stick it on your bumper and you're a Christian. Put legs on it and you're a macroevolutionist. Symbols. They represent something big, and can reduce us to something as small as they are. Classified.
Organized. Put into a box. Fox. Socks. Rocks. Locks.
Locked box. Box locked. It all comes back to blocked.
Writer's block. It happens sometimes. If you were hoping to get something out of this post, too's blocked.
I'm entertained!